David Werdyger - Songs of the Gerer Chassidim Volume 2 - Issue 3

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Lo Seivoshi    02:42 
1-2 Ani Maamin    03:48 
1-3 Hallelu    02:25 
1-4 Mim kom cho Malkeinu    07:21 
1-5 B fi Y shorim    01:38 
1-6 Rikkud    01:16 
2-1 Asher Boro    04:07 
2-2 Shir Hamaalos    02:32 
2-3 Uvashofor Godol    04:35 
2-4 Rikkud    02:20 
2-5 Y Hei Sh lomo Rabboh    01:12