Hanna Aharoni aka Aroni - Guitar in the Trenches - Issue 2

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Guitar in the Trenches    02:13 
1-2 I'll Do it All Again    03:01 
1-3 A Taste of Honey    03:25 
1-4 Masquenada    02:51 
1-5 Gonna Build a Mountain    03:54 
1-6 Guantannamera    02:29 
1-7 hava nagila    04:00 
2-1 Goodbye    02:57 
2-2 Because I Love You    02:49 
2-3 Cilito Linda    02:34 
2-4 Deux Larmes    02:41 
2-5 Corcovado    03:55 
2-6 Al Di La    03:11 
2-7 Exodus    02:35