Oct 17 1990 - HMK7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-00 Side 1 Complete    46:42 
1-01 off the air radio Yiddish    11:31 
1-02 song    00:00 
1-03 off the air radio Yiddish    08:19 
1-04 off the air radio Yiddish    00:39 
1-05 Yitzhak Perlman    07:05 
1-06    02:22 
1-07 piano    01:24 
1-08 Chana Weinstein    02:46 
1-09 piano singing    06:32 
1-10 talk    03:14 
2-00 Side 2 Complete    46:44 
2-01 singing    06:58 
2-02 talk Ms Slovick    02:53 
2-03 off the air radio Mike Burstein    02:09 
2-04 song    00:00 
2-05 song    04:22 
2-06 klezmer bit    03:23 
2-07 song    03:07 
2-08 talk    08:43 
2-09 off the air radio Yiddish    06:10 
2-10 talk    02:54 
2-11 off the air radio Yiddish    03:28