Emil Horowitz Anna Guzik - Jewish Folk Songs from Russia

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1 - 04 A Pastekhl    04:24 
1 - 05 Shpilt Klezmorim    03:47 
1 - 06 Di Muze    04:20 
2 - 03 Vos Host Du Mir Obgeton?    03:18Emil Horowitz 
2 - 04 Liebenke Mama    05:17Emil Horowitz 
2 - 06 Kumt Tzuforn Keyn Kopresht    02:42Emil Horowitz 
2 - 07 Beltz    03:21Anna Guzik 
Di Goldene Khasene (The Golden Wedding)    03:54 
Lekhayim far Sholem    02:58Emil Horowitz 
Reyzele    02:07Emil Horowitz 
Unter a Kleyn Beymele (Under a Little Tree)    02:46 
Vos Vilst Du Mayn Tayer Kind? (What Do You Want My Beloved Child?    03:31Emil Horowitz 
Yankele    02:28Anna Guzik 
Zibn Tekhter (Seven Daughters)    02:42