Yerushalayim laNetzach (Jerusalem the Eternal)

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
biShearayich yerushalayim    04:23Yehoram Gaon 
Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim    03:19Yehoram Gaon 
lechol echad yerushalayim    03:43Ruchama and the Singers of the Airborne Brigade 
leShana haba biyerushalayim    03:52Cilla Dagan 
Od Yishama    02:36 
or yerushalayim    03:21 
sha'alu shlom yerushalayim    03:12Ricki Gal 
Sheyibane bet hamikdash    03:30 
shomer haChomot    03:56Band of the Central Command 
sisu et yerushalayim    03:20Tzemed Darom 
veliyrushalayim ircha    01:48The Brothers and Sisters 
yerushalaim sheli    02:26Motti Fleischer 
yerushalayim shel zahav    04:08 
yevarechecha    02:12