Lazar Weiner - Likras Shabos

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
Adon Olom [adon olam]    04:26Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Adoration    02:27Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Borechu-shema [barchu - shema]    01:45Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Grant us peace    02:35Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Hashkivenu    03:09Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Kiddush    02:40Frederick Lechner, baritone 
May the words    02:12Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Mi Chomocho [mi chamocha]    02:31Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Tov L'hodos [tov lehodot]    04:00Frederick Lechner, baritone 
Veohavto [veHavata]    02:01Frederick Lechner, baritone 
V'shomru [veShamru]    03:24Frederick Lechner, baritone