Renanim Choir - Land of our Fathers

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
ad matay sapanim    01:21 
Ad or haBoker    01:29 
Al haGoren beLeyl levana    02:07 
Anu nihye ha-rishonim    02:43 
Artza alinu    02:17 
atidot    02:03 
Golu golu even glal    01:53 
hayad'u haDema'ot    02:30 
ho ad matay? Nihye kulanu chalutzim    02:41 
ma tovu ohalekha    02:22 
numi numi yaldati    03:43 
paz kula    01:15 
rachel amda al haAyin    01:42 
Sham bimekom arazim    02:59 
shir haNamel    01:26 
shir haSapan    01:58 
Up to Israel    02:03