Songs fo the Lubavitcher Chassidim Volume Two

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
01 The Baal Shem Tov Inquired    01:07 
02 Eimosai Ko-osi Mar    02:20 
03 Occasionally the nigun serves the Chassid    01:01 
04 Poltava Rabbi's Nigun    04:06 
05 Hu Elokeinu    02:18 
06 To those Jews of silence    01:05 
07 Nye Ba-yus-ya    04:51 
08 These days on the 2nd day of Nissan    03:31 
09 Al Haselo Hoch    02:35 
10 Al Achas Kamoh V chamoh Nigun Simcha    02:10 
11 Out of deep inner yearning    00:32 
12 Essen Est Zich    02:02 
13 Let us turn now to a more common language    00:47 
14 Du-deleh    04:50 
15 Nye Zhuritze Chloptzi Chassidim have sung these words    00:38 
16 Nye Zhuritze Chlopotzi    03:48 
17 Alter Rebbe's Nigun Four Selections    06:05