Ilanit - The Best of Ilanit and Ilan and Ilanit

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
ahavata shel Tereza di -Mon [Therese de Meun]    03:55 
Bashana haBaa    02:49 
bo veNishtagea baCholot    02:33 
Hine Lo Yanum    02:08 
Kama Tov Lachzor Habayta    03:29 
Kvar Acharey Chatzot    03:05 
mayim leDavid haMelech    02:23 
MeEver LeHarim    02:30 
Olam Nehedar    02:20 
Rak HaYareach    03:47 
yaldi eynenu yeled    03:29