The Night shall shine as the Day

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 The Strength of Togetherness    01:42 
1-02 We are one    02:30 
1-03 This World What Keeps it Going    00:30 
1-04 Letter from Ma'alot    02:09 
1-05 through 6 segue    03:04 
1-07 Longing for Zion    00:17 
1-08 Dror Yikra    02:42 
1-09 A Better and More Pleasant Future    00:40 
1-10 Yemenite Shabbat Song    02:25 
1-11 Kassa Kassa A Protest Song    02:23 
2-01 Let's Stand Together    00:23 
2-02 The Night Shall Shine As the Day    03:35 
2-03 One of the most eloquent voices    00:16 
2-04 Moishele    04:20 
2-05 I Will Follow My Star    00:15 
2-06 Elem V'Alma    03:02 
2-07 and 8 segue    02:18 
2-09 It's A Simple Instinct    00:42 
2-10 Aguda Ahat    02:31 
Part 1 Complete    18:24 
Part 2 Complete    17:21