The Y'did Singers

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
Adon olam    02:45The Y'did Singers 
Ahavti    03:35The Y'did Singers 
Hinei Ma Tov [hine ma tov]    02:28The Y'did Singers 
Kadshenu    03:05The Y'did Singers 
Mima'amakim    03:32The Y'did Singers 
Mizmor L'Dovid    01:50The Y'did Singers 
Odecha    03:04The Y'did Singers 
Sos    03:04The Y'did Singers 
Tisgadal [titgadal]    03:42The Y'did Singers 
Tzur    03:54The Y'did Singers 
Y'vorechecho    02:10The Y'did Singers