Vistas of Israel programs 403 and 404

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
403-01 Program intro    00:48 
403-02 intro Kibbutz Revivim    02:01 
403-03 pioneer interview    00:29 
403-04 intro Zacharia    00:20 
403-05 interview Zacharia    01:53 
403-06 spiel    01:18 
403-07 interv Kibbutz member    04:26 
403-08 interv two volunteers    02:03 
403-09 talk on agriculture    00:38 
403-10 program conclusion    00:37 
404-01 program intro    00:49 
404-02 spiel    00:51 
404-03 Vayiven uziyahu    02:01 
404-04 spiel    00:47 
404-05 Moshe Moshe    03:26 
404-06 spiel    00:21 
404-07 song    02:49 
404-08 spiel    00:40 
404-09 Ezekiel    02:02 
404-10 program conclusion    00:39 
Program 403    14:35 
Program 404    14:25