Vistas of Israel programs 257 and 258

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
257-01 Program intro    00:48 
257-02 spiel    00:02 
257-03 song    00:37 
257-04 spiel    01:02 
257-05 Ayoshevet baganim    01:56 
257-06 spiel    00:33 
257-07 Malu asame luba    01:48 
257-08 spiel    00:36 
257-09 Chassidic song    02:26 
257-10 spiel    00:17 
257-11 Yemenite song    01:44 
257-12 spiel    00:24 
257-13 Havanetse b machol    01:09 
257-14 Program conclusion    00:58 
258-01 Program intro    00:49 
258-02 spiel    00:02 
258-03 song fragment    00:31 
258-04 spiel    00:55 
258-05 Opa he    01:25 
258-06 spiel    00:32 
258-07 Singing on the road    02:17 
258-08 spiel    00:07 
258-09 Shirat hanoded    02:23 
258-10 spiel    00:26 
258-11 Zamar Noded    01:48 
258-12 spiel    00:49 
258-13 Hine Artzenu    01:31 
258-14 Program conclusion    00:42 
Program 257    15:12 
Program 258    14:19