Vistas of Israel programs 447 and 448

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
447-01 program intro    00:48 
447-02 intro Ilan Ilanit    00:19 
447-03 Numa Numa    03:03 
447-04 intro Arava Trio    00:15 
447-05 Arava    01:58 
447-06 intro Daram Duo    00:14 
447-07 Beggar's love    02:13 
447-08 intro Givatron singers    00:13 
447-09 Zot Yerushalaim    02:31 
447-10 Amranim Brothers    00:14 
447-11 Shuva Elai    02:16 
447-12 Program conclusion    00:26 
448-01 Program intro    00:49 
448-02 intro Yaffa Yarkoni    00:21 
448-03 Deganya    02:22 
448-04 intro Yosef Moustaki    00:20 
448-05 Bersheva    02:48 
448-06 intro Ron Eliran    00:32 
448-07 Sharm el Sheikh    02:46 
448-08 Intro Gilboa troupe    00:27 
448-09 Daliat el Carmel    02:01 
448-10 intro Darom Trio    00:25 
448-11 Hakotel    01:03 
448-12 Program conclusion    00:33 
Program 447    14:30 
Program 448    14:30