Vistas of Israel programs 461 and 462

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
461-01 Program intro    00:46 
461-02 intro Arik Einstein    00:12 
461-03 Al tivki yalda    02:46 
461-04 intro Khevda David    00:14 
461-05 Khalomi    02:10 
461-06 intro Chaim Topol    00:28 
461-07 Karatilach    02:25 
461-08 intro Yeoram Gaon    00:20 
461-09 Amru li    02:23 
461-10 int Theater Club    00:10 
461-11 Bathsheba from Bersheba    01:25 
461-12 spiel song fragment    00:20 
461-13 Program conclusion    00:33 
462-01 Program intro    00:47 
462-02 intro Shalom Chanoch    00:10 
462-03 song fragment    00:17 
462-04 intro Arik Einstein    00:32 
462-05 Ba boker    02:52 
462-06 spiel    00:38 
462-07 The night is so dark    03:20 
462-08 intro Arik Einstein    00:36 
462-09 Take yourself a woman    02:53 
462-10 spiel    00:24 
462-11 Take off    01:17 
462-12 Program conclusion    00:39 
Program 461    14:14 
Program 462    14:24