Vistas of Israel programs 477 and 478

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
477-01 program intro    00:46 
477-02 Russian Jews    02:25 
477-03 Larissa Daniel    03:04 
477-04 intro Nahal troupe    01:11 
477-05 Anahnu ve atem    02:39 
477-06 intro Inurit Shohan    00:52 
477-07 Slach    02:41 
477-08 intro Yeoram Gaon    00:25 
477-09 song fragment    00:12 
477-10 program conclusion    00:32 
478-01 program intro    00:45 
478-02 Why no student protest    00:39 
478-03 Mickey Cohen    00:50 
478-04 Dorit Zamir    00:10 
478-05 Tami    01:18 
478-06 Igal Kan    01:39 
478-07 President student union    01:10 
478-08 American Student    01:22 
478-09 Tami    00:53 
478-10 Susan Epstein    01:07 
478-11 Someone    00:32 
478-12 American Student    02:37 
478-13 Student    00:30 
478-14 program conclusion    00:44 
Program 477    14:49 
Program 478    14:24