Vistas of Israel programs 501 and 502

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
501-01 program intro    00:18 
501-02 intro Dani Litani    00:35 
501-03 Amsterdam in Hebrew    03:01 
501-04 intro trio Shloshami    00:14 
501-05 Tsif tsif    02:45 
501-06 intro Dizengorf comm    00:17 
501-07 Boker Tov    03:37 
501-08 spiel    00:57 
501-09 song    01:57 
501-10 program conclusion    00:26 
502-01 program intro    00:18 
502-02 intro Yeoram Gaon    00:58 
502-03 I'm here    04:20 
502-04 intro Moti Fleisher    00:07 
502-05 beautiful life    02:34 
502-06 intro Arik Kobi    00:12 
502-07 the gazelle    02:41 
502-08 The end    02:39 
502-09 program conclusion    00:34 
Program 501    14:11 
Program 502    14:25