Vistas of Israel programs 515 and 516

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
515-01 program intro    00:18 
515-02 intro Boaz Sharbi    00:32 
515-03 song    04:20 
515-04 intro Yaffa Yarkoni    00:34 
515-05 Pamela    02:56 
515-06 intro Ilan Ilanit    00:22 
515-07 Free Happy    02:49 
515-08 intro Duo Dorom    00:19 
515-09 Tel Aviv Song    01:50 
515-10 program conclusion    00:42 
516-01 program intro    00:18 
516-02 intro Jack Cohen    01:26 
516-03 no accounting for taste    03:07 
516-04 intro Moshe Hillel    00:11 
516-05 Jacob    03:31 
516-06 intro Edna Lev    00:16 
516-07 I have two sisters    03:12 
516-08 intro Sassi Keshet    00:13 
516-09 song    01:41 
516-10 program conclusion    00:36 
Program 515    14:46 
Program 516    14:38