Vistas of Israel programs 547 and 548

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
547-01 program intro    00:32 
547-02 intro Yehodit Kochva    00:48 
547-03 Mitsad Haaviv    02:36 
547-04 intro Rika Zarai    00:23 
547-05 When will peace come    02:16 
547-06 intro Arik Einstein    00:18 
547-07 Aviv    02:20 
547-08 spiel    00:20 
547-09 Haohavim et haaviv    02:42 
547-10 program conclusion    01:40 
548-01 program intro    00:19 
548-02 intyro Karmon singer    00:22 
548-03 Hine Hachalala    01:46 
548-04 intro Rivka Zohar    00:32 
548-05 The little drummer    03:13 
548-06 intro Hillel Aviva    00:41 
548-07 sheep bells    01:42 
548-08 intro Jo Amar    00:27 
548-09 Oh Guitara    03:53 
548-10 program conclusion    00:57 
Program 547    13:57 
Program 548    13:53