Vistas of Israel Programs 593 and 594

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
593-01 Program intro    00:18 
593-02 Poogy Tales opening    00:48 
593-03 intro to Kaveret    00:25 
593-04 Ani Zocher Ota    03:38 
593-05 Interview    01:21 
593-06 song    03:06 
593-07 interview    00:47 
593-08 song    02:50 
593-09 Program conclusion    01:43 
594-01 Poogy Tales opening    00:45 
594-01 Program intro    00:18 
594-03 intro to Kaveret    00:15 
594-04 Interview    01:52 
594-05 Song    01:49 
594-06 interview    01:03 
594-07 Song Yo Ya    03:38 
594-08 Interview    01:14 
594-08 Song    02:39 
594-09 Program conclusion    01:05 
Program 593    14:59 
Program 594    14:41