Zamir Chorale of Boston at Hebrew College 11-12-95 - Cassette

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
01 Intro    00:43 
02 Song    03:56 
03 intro    00:29 
04 Ets Chaim He    02:12 
05 intro    01:29 
06 Adio Querida    03:27 
07 intro    01:30 
08 Song    06:27 
09 intro    00:25 
10 Avinu Malkenu    02:44 
11 intro and story    01:54 
12 song    04:41 
13 intro    01:15 
14 song    03:43 
15 intro story about el rey n    00:54 
16 Quando El Rey Nimrod    02:34 
17 intro    00:13 
18 Yom Ze Le Israel Yismach M    05:48 
19 intro with mention of Jose    01:12 
20 Chad Gadyo    03:40