Congregation Shearith Israel NY City - Songs for the Sabbath K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 Lekhah Dodee    02:11 
1-02 Mizmor Shir Leyom Hashabbath    02:31 
1-03 Hashkibeinu    03:05 
1-04 Congregational Kaddish    03:22 
1-05 Aleinu    01:46 
1-06 Yigdal    02:47 
1-07 Az Yashir Mosheh    01:23 
1-08 Nishmath    02:54 
1-09 Maher - Shema Yisrael    03:49 
2-01 Birkat Cohanim    02:06 
2-02 Gaddelu - Romemu    04:05 
2-03 Vezoth Hatorah    03:53 
2-04 Yimlokh    03:45 
2-05 En Keloheinu    02:23 
2-06 Adon Olam    03:12 
2-07 Kiddush    01:32