Harold Orbach - Masterpieces of the American Synagogue

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Tavo L Fanecha    02:52 
1-2 Shalom Rav    02:01 
1-3 Chatzi Kaddish    03:36 
1-4 Hashkivenu    04:57 
1-5 Brosh Hashana    05:30 
1-6 Yih yu L Ratzon    02:38 
2-1 Kol Nidre    04:18 
2-2 Sh ma Kilenu    04:27 
2-3 Thou Shalt Love    04:40 
2-4 Yism chu    04:07 
2-5 Sim Shalom    03:55