Jane Peppler Randy Kloko And Friends - Lebedik Yankel - Yiddish Songs From Warsaw Volume 2 CD

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
01 Meydlekh Sheyne (Pretty Girls)    02:53 
02 Ikh Hob Es Nisht I Don t Have It    02:32 
03 A Shayle Baym Rebn A Question For The Rebbe    02:46 
04 Di Eybike Mame The Eternal Mother    05:00 
05 Kaddish Nokh A Yidishn Zelner Kaddish For A Jewish Soldier    03:22 
06 Ikh For Aheym ( I'm Going Home)    02:34 
07 Al Chet Di Naye The New Al Chet    02:47 
08 Mayn Vayb Kumt Fun Zakopane My Wife s Coming Back From Vacation    03:10 
09 Di Meydlekh Fun Amol Old-fashioned Girls    02:39 
10 Galitsianer Khasene A Galician Wedding    03:15 
11 On A Heym Homeless    03:12 
12 Di Libe Fun A Heyliker Mame The Love Of A Holy Mother    03:34 
13 Soni Boi Yiddish Sonny Boy    01:42 
14 A Sakh Melokhes Un Veynik Brokhes A Lot Of Jobs Not Much Luck    03:16 
15 Lo Lanu Di Naye The New Lo Lanu    03:59 
16 Oy Mame Shlog Mikh Nisht Oh Mama Don t Beat Me    03:16 
17 Lebedik Yankel Lively Yankel    03:40 
18 Katarina    02:40 
19 Tsirele Mirele    02:45