Michael Isaacson & The Israel Pops - Opening Night K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Hatikvah    01:34Israel Pops 
1-2 Hora    04:10Israel Pops 
1-2 Hora 1    04:10Israel Pops 
1-3 Ladino Legacy    06:27Israel Pops 
1-4 Der Rebbe Variations    06:07Israel Pops 
1-5 Let My People Go    05:42Israel Pops 
1-6 Naomi Shemer Tribute    07:42Israel Pops 
2-1 Hassidic Dances    07:20Israel Pops 
2-2 Jerusalem Love Songs    06:54Israel Pops 
2-3 Mamaloshen    09:23Israel Pops 
2-4 Suite Nurit    05:24Israel Pops 
2-5 Victorious    05:00Israel Pops