90 Minutes of the Finest Jewish Entertainment - Homemade K7

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-01 Intro Ben Zion Witler    00:15 
1-02 Rivkale    00:58 
1-03 Intro Menasha Oppenheim    00:07 
1-04 Song    02:32 
1-05 intro Moishe Oysher    00:10 
1-06 Song    01:59 
1-07 Pinte Slavanta    00:11 
1-08 Shvartze Natasha    01:08 
1-09 intro Chaim Towber    00:19 
1-10 Song    02:12 
1-11 intro Max Wilner    00:17 
1-12 story    02:58 
1-13 intro Lucy Lavine    00:12 
1-14 Meidelach    03:23 
1-15 intro Irving Grossman    00:10 
1-16 Mazel Tov Brothers    01:51 
1-17 intro Nellie Casman    00:14 
1-18 Yossel Yossel    01:59 
1-19 intro William Schwartz    00:08 
1-20 My Yiddishe Meidele    01:59 
1-21 intro Max Kletter    00:14 
1-22 Yass    00:47 
1-23 July Sneitenson    00:15 
1-24 Song    00:41 
1-25 intro Samuel Goldenberg    00:10 
1-26 song    03:11 
1-27 intro Ytzhak Feld    00:15 
1-28 Song    06:22 
1-29 intro Menasha Skulnik    00:24 
1-30 Ertzik Yohr Tzurik    03:00 
1-31 intro Ida Kominska    00:11 
1-32 Der Rebbe Elimelech    02:49 
1-33 intro Max and Reizel Bojik    00:13 
1-34 song    00:54 
1-35 intro Michal Michalesko    00:23 
1-36 Song    01:37 
1-37 intro Lucy German    00:17 
1-38 Song fragment    00:19 
1-39 intro Jennie Goldstein    00:02 
1-40 Song fragment    00:17 
1-41 intro Bessie Tomashevsky    00:25 
1-42 Song    00:59 
2-01 intro Bessie Tomashevsky - repeat    00:25 
2-02 song    02:56 
2-03 Sketch    03:24 
2-04 song - intro to Yiddish Theather - intro Abraham Goldfaden    01:37 
2-05 song - intro Regina Prager    01:34 
2-06 Song    01:08 
2-07 intro Boris Tomashevsky    03:36 
2-08 Song    01:27 
2-09 intro Leon Blank    00:31 
2-10 Song    03:02 
2-11 intro David Kessler    00:35 
2-12 Song    00:59 
2-13 intro    00:26 
2-14 Song    00:36 
2-15 intro    00:40 
2-16 Shabbes Song    01:34 
2-17 intro    00:17 
2-18 intro Ludwig Satz    00:18 
2-19 Song    00:53 
2-20 intro Molly Picon    00:12 
2-21 Song    00:33 
2-22 intro Aaron Lebedeff    00:23 
2-23 Song    04:32 
2-24 discussion    01:38 
2-25 Song Fragment end of tape    01:33