Zaidie's Favorites - Cassette

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Love Thy Neighbor    04:40 
1-2    04:33 
1-3 Kol Nidre    05:03 
1-4 A Plea to God    03:46 
1-5 Eli Eli    04:15 
1-6 Kol Nidre    04:45 
1-7 Tsur Meshelo    01:23 
1-8 Eleeyahoo Hanovi    01:51 
2-10 Tzena Tzena    02:13 
2-1 Ba'ah M'nucha    01:38 
2-2 Mi Y'mallel    00:57 
2-3 The House I Live In    02:55 
2-4 Because    02:08 
2-5 I'm crazy for she    02:50 
2-6 10 Kopeks    02:28 
2-7 My Yiddish Mamme - Yiddish    02:44 
2-8 My Yiddish Mamme - English    02:45 
2-9 The Thing    02:31