Berele Chagy - In the Synagogue

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Brich Shmei    03:50Berele Chagy 
1-2 Tikanto Shabbos [tikanta shabbat]    04:22Berele Chagy 
1-3 Kol Hashem    03:25Berele Chagy 
1-4 Shma Israel [shema yisrael]    03:02Berele Chagy 
1-5 Mogen Ovos [magen avot]    03:37Berele Chagy 
1-6 Tzur Israel [tzur yisrael]    02:43Berele Chagy 
2-1 V hu Rachum    03:01 
2-2 Bameh Madlikin    03:05Berele Chagy 
2-3 Hashem Moloch Geus [Hashem malach ge'ut]    03:47Berele Chagy 
2-4 Mi Sheoso Nissim [mi sheAsa nisim]    03:32Berele Chagy 
2-5 Yishmach Moishe [yismach moshe]    03:02Berele Chagy 
2-6 Vehuofanim [veHaOfanim]    02:30Berele Chagy