Choir of the Chief Rabbinate of the Israel Defence Army - Shalom Al Israel

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Ma Naavu Al Heharim    02:19 
1-2 Lo Yisa Goy    03:05 
1-3 Bim Bom    02:11 
1-4 Sheyibaneh Beit Hamikdash    05:27 
1-5 Halelu El Bekodsho    02:51 
1-6 Lemaan Zion    03:29 
1-7 Nagen Li Kinor    02:07 
2-1 Kvodo Maleh Olam    02:19 
2-2 Yibaneh Hamikdash    03:51 
2-3 Nerot Shabat Shel Ima    02:08 
2-4 Bezichroni    02:39 
2-5 Yosef Hashem Aleichem    03:26 
2-6 Shalom Al Israel    03:09