Malavsky Family Choir - Sabbath with the Malavsky Family

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-0 Side 1 complete    19:11 
1-1 z'chor - The Fourth Commandment    00:28 
1-2 vay'chulu - The Seventh Day    01:34 
1-3 mogen ovos - Shield of Our Fathers    04:10 
1-4 sholom alechem    03:36 
1-5 tsur mishelo - Rock from Whose Store    02:07 
1-6 me sheberach - Prayer for the Worshippers    07:17 
2-0 Side 2 complete    21:43 
2-1 av horachamim - Requien for the Martyrs    08:18 
2-2 ets-chahim - Tree of Life    02:05 
2-3 yism'chu - They Shall Rejoice    04:25 
2-4 yom zeh mechubod - Crown of Days    01:28 
2-5 d'ror yikro - He Grants Release    01:00 
2-6 havodoloh - Departure of the Sabbath    03:50 
2-7 Z'chor - The Fourth Commandment    00:39