Meir Levy - Ahiezer Choir - Famous Oriental Maza Favorites

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 ata el kabir    04:13 
1-2 el meod na'ala    04:00 
1-3 in hacham    02:46 
1-4 yahid rom    04:32 
1-5 hodu lashem    03:26 
1-6 ozreni el hai    02:54 
2-1 yehalel lael nora    05:09 
2-2 ehze be'noam    02:29 
2-3 nagilah halleluya    03:24 
2-4 hineh ma tov    03:26 
2-5 halleluya hallelu    04:55 
2-6 lichbod hemdat lebabi    02:35