Norman Atkins - Proclaim Liberty - Dror Yikra

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Introduction    04:35 
1-2 p'ney chanukah    02:26 
1-3 Kindling of the Lights    02:23 
1-4 hannerot hallalu    03:47 
1-5 bor'chu    01:03 
1-6 sh'ma yisroel    01:42 
1-7 Psalm 124    02:51 
2-1 lamah bat tzion    02:05 
2-2 yih'yu l'ratzon - kiddush - segue    05:36 
2-3 dror yikra    02:34 
2-4 va'anachnu    01:46 
2-5 bayom hahu    00:54 
2-6 maoz tzur    02:48 
2-7 Benediction    00:46