Chabad - Somgs of the Lubavitcher Chassidim Volume 1

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-0 Side 1 Complete    19:25 
1-1 Introduction    01:36 
1-2 Nigun M'Rostov    03:21 
1-3 One of the Fundamentals of Chassidus is Joy    01:49 
1-4 Ach Du Nigun Simcha    02:08 
1-5 tzomoh l'cho nafshi    04:54 
1-6 Simchat Torah Before Dawn    01:42 
1-7 an'im z'miros    03:53 
2-0 Side 2 Complete    19:08 
2-1 On hte First Day of the Passover Festival    00:20 
2-2 tal ya'asis    04:15 
2-3 If I Forget thee O Jerusalem Let my Right Hand Wither    01:26 
2-4 hoshio es amecho    02:56 
2-5 Yam A Didi Nigun Simcha    02:25 
2-6 Tradition Relates that During the Napoleonic Wars    01:09 
2-7 Napoleon's March    03:04 
2-8 With the Liberation of Jerusalem    00:44 
2-9 prozos teishev yerushalayim    02:54