Gershon Sirota - Celebrated Cantor of Warsaw Sings a Holiday Service - Issue 2

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 Unsane Toikef    02:31 
1-2 K vakoras    02:02 
1-3 B Rosh Hashonah    02:48 
1-4 Odom Yesodo Meofor    02:53 
1-5 Umipne Chatoeinu    02:34 
1-6 Hayom Horas Olom    02:50 
1-7 Havein Yakir Li    02:26 
2-1 Retzei    03:47 
2-2 V Seorev    02:38 
2-3 Kol Nidre    04:01 
2-4 V Shomru    02:34 
2-5 Yaale Tachanunainu    02:53 
2-6 Hashem Hashem    03:33