Cameri Theatre and Haifa Municipal Theatre - Chatunat haDamim (Blood Wedding)

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 sakin ktana    02:23 
1-2 shir eres    05:15 
1-3 oori kala    02:00 
1-4 akeret bait oori    02:19 
1-5 betsetech misaf habait    02:50 
2-1 sovev hagalgal    01:50 
2-2 ai eyzo avodat perech    01:33 
2-3 musikat reka shel tmunat haYaar    03:12 
2-4 halevana    02:47 
2-5 tsemer adom    02:04 
2-6 hayo haya parash    02:09