Halleluya Eyze Yofi Shel Shirim

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
1-1 yo yo gam    03:10 
1-2 gan sagur    02:17 
1-3 tambolina    02:19 
1-4 udy    02:10 
1-5 barbaaba    02:11 
1-6 pesty    02:44 
2-1 abanibi    02:54 
2-2 halleluja    03:06 
2-3 popo habuba    03:01 
2-4 sara shara shir sameach    02:25 
2-5 popey hamalach    02:39 
2-6 lama hagdolim    02:26 
2-7 bashana habaha    02:48