Vistas of Israel 499-500

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Track TitleDurationPerformer 
499-01 program intro    00:19 
499-02 intro Sila Dagan    00:20 
499-03 Nu Ma    03:51 
499-04 spiel    00:27 
499-05 Dreams of light da    03:21 
499-06 spiel    00:11 
499-07 song    03:14 
499-08 spiel    00:22 
499-09 song translation    02:00 
499-10 program conclusion    00:26 
500-01 program intro    00:18 
500-02 poetry spiel    00:31 
500-03 song translation    03:39 
500-04 intro Moti Fleisher    00:18 
500-05 Shabbat song    04:16 
500-06 intro Hava Alberstei    00:14 
500-07 My country    03:29 
500-08 intro The Dudaim    00:11 
500-09 Song fragment    00:47 
500-10 program conclusion    00:30 
Program 499    14:34 
Program 500    14:19